My Short Story, "Roll the Dice!"
Copyright Glo Lewis 10/19/2023 Dear Readers of My Blog, 💚 I have decided to share my short story, “Roll the Dice!” with you; this is not a memoir! Here is the story below (As usual, God bless, and I'll be in touch soon): Roll the Dice! Copyright Glo Lewis 10/19/2023 “Roll the dice!” my father shouted. He was drinking his usual creamed coffee with lots of sugar that I had just served him, but he was drunk. They all were-- he and his friends-- the union thugs. It was a hot September night in 1966 in the Bay Area. My father had just been on the TV news the night before. Some reporter had stuck a microphone in his face and eagerly asked him what was going on with the Teamsters. “We’re calling a wildcat strike,” my dad said into the camera, and he looked so smart and handsome. Now the men all wore short-sleeved shirts with the little cuffs rolled up. At that time, I don’t rem...